Easy Trekking of Furlo

Our new trekking proposal is accessible to all and it consists in two half-day-trekking, surrounded by the beautiful nature of the Natural Reserve "Gola del Furlo".
The dinner of the first day and the breakfast of the second day of our tour will be organized in our mountain hut in the heart of the Natural Reserve. 

The trekking departure is scheduled in the early afternoon of the first day: it will take around three ours horse ride to get to the Natural Reserve and the path is the same as our "Trekking del Furlo". We will be able to get to the hut in the late afternoon where, after having had a hot comfortable shower, we will have a typical dinner made of our homemade products. The following day we'll leave the hut after breakfast and we'll spend around three hours riding through the Reserve to get back to Ca' Maddalena.

This new kind of trekking has been thought mainly for unexperienced people who want to get confident with the beautiful world of horse trekkings, but… step-by-step. Our proposal is also ideal for groups of friends that want to spend funny days together enjoying a beautiful and at the same time unusual experience.

price: 150.00 €
duration: 2 days
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🆕 Planning 2024 🆕

13 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
20/21 April / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
27 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
4/5 May / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
11/12 may / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
18/19 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
25/26 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
1/2 june / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
8 june / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
16 - 22 june / The new Mount Sibillini horseback trekking   Sold out
5 -7 july / River Trekking
20 July / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
18 agoust / Trekking of Furlo
2 - 6 september / Trekking of Catria   Sold out
21/22 september / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
5 october / Trekking of Furlo
12/13 october / Easy Trekking of Furlo
19 october / Trekking of Furlo
1 - 3 november / Horseback trek to the village

Tell About Us

Rosy 31-10-2023
Abbiamo partecipato al trekking easy, stupenda esperienza, grazie a Valentina, Roberto, Camilla e Michele che ci hanno accompagnato in quest'avventura , con cavalli dolcissimi e ben preparat . . .
Elisabetta 27-07-2023
Partecipato al trekk dei Fiumi. Esperienza indescrivibile a parole: bisogna viverla. Dal bagno in fiume al percorrere un crinale, dai boschi ombreggiati alle tracce esposte, dal cenare in . . .
Eviss 6-06-2023
Sono una assidua frequentatrice del maneggio e due giorni fa ho partecipato ad una 2 giorni alle pendici di Monte Nerone. Siamo passati in posti di una bellezza infinita attraversando fiumi, . . .
Eleonora 6-06-2023
Appena tornati dal trekking del Montiego 3 e 4 di Giugno! Per la prima volta in esclusiva abbiamo intrapreso con lo splendido branco del Cà maddalena la Balza Rosa! La cosa bella di . . .

🆕 Planning 2024 🆕

13 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
20/21 April / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
27 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
4/5 May / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
11/12 may / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
18/19 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
25/26 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
1/2 june / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
8 june / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
16 - 22 june / The new Mount Sibillini horseback trekking   Sold out
5 -7 july / River Trekking
20 July / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
18 agoust / Trekking of Furlo
2 - 6 september / Trekking of Catria   Sold out
21/22 september / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
5 october / Trekking of Furlo
12/13 october / Easy Trekking of Furlo
19 october / Trekking of Furlo
1 - 3 november / Horseback trek to the village
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HorseBack by Agriturismo Ca' Maddalena - Fermignano (Pesaro Urbino) Montefeltro - Marche. P. IVA 02099510410