Trekking of Furlo

It's a one day trekking. During this tour we will discover the beautiful landscapes of the "Nature Reserve of Furlo".

Here the territory is made of different kinds of landscapes: some almost desert lands, conifer woods, maquis and the height meadows where we often can see horses in a wild state. 

Totally amazing is the arrival at the "Testa del Duce" it's a sort of Fascism building on the highest spot of Mount Pietralata) where we usually have lunch;  from here it's possible to enjoy a wonderful Gorge view!

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price: 80.00 €
duration: 1 day
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🆕 Planning 2024 🆕

13 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
20/21 April / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
27 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
4/5 May / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
11/12 may / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
18/19 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
25/26 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
1/2 june / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
8 june / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
16 - 22 june / The new Mount Sibillini horseback trekking   Sold out
5 -7 july / River Trekking
20 July / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
18 agoust / Trekking of Furlo
2 - 6 september / Trekking of Catria   Sold out
21/22 september / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
5 october / Trekking of Furlo
12/13 october / Easy Trekking of Furlo
19 october / Trekking of Furlo
1 - 3 november / Horseback trek to the village

Tell About Us

Rosy 31-10-2023
Abbiamo partecipato al trekking easy, stupenda esperienza, grazie a Valentina, Roberto, Camilla e Michele che ci hanno accompagnato in quest'avventura , con cavalli dolcissimi e ben preparat . . .
Elisabetta 27-07-2023
Partecipato al trekk dei Fiumi. Esperienza indescrivibile a parole: bisogna viverla. Dal bagno in fiume al percorrere un crinale, dai boschi ombreggiati alle tracce esposte, dal cenare in . . .
Eviss 6-06-2023
Sono una assidua frequentatrice del maneggio e due giorni fa ho partecipato ad una 2 giorni alle pendici di Monte Nerone. Siamo passati in posti di una bellezza infinita attraversando fiumi, . . .
Eleonora 6-06-2023
Appena tornati dal trekking del Montiego 3 e 4 di Giugno! Per la prima volta in esclusiva abbiamo intrapreso con lo splendido branco del Cà maddalena la Balza Rosa! La cosa bella di . . .

🆕 Planning 2024 🆕

13 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
20/21 April / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
27 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
4/5 May / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
11/12 may / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
18/19 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
25/26 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
1/2 june / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
8 june / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
16 - 22 june / The new Mount Sibillini horseback trekking   Sold out
5 -7 july / River Trekking
20 July / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
18 agoust / Trekking of Furlo
2 - 6 september / Trekking of Catria   Sold out
21/22 september / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
5 october / Trekking of Furlo
12/13 october / Easy Trekking of Furlo
19 october / Trekking of Furlo
1 - 3 november / Horseback trek to the village
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HorseBack by Agriturismo Ca' Maddalena - Fermignano (Pesaro Urbino) Montefeltro - Marche. P. IVA 02099510410