The new Mount Sibillini horseback trekking

Day 1
The trip will depart from Agriturismo Ca' Maddalena and we'll be riding horseback for 6 days on the Apennine Chain mountains direction south. We'll start climbing the ridges next to Frontone village and the landscape will be mostly hilly; during the last hour we will climb up to about 1000msl.
The overnight will be in a tented camp close to Poggio Campomiele. Mounts Catria and Acuto will be watching over us during the night.
The ride will last about 7 hours.

Day 2
We'll leave in the morning and the above mentioned twin mountains will be at our right side.
Just one hour later we'll reach the Camaldoli Monch refuge named Fonteavellana Monastery;
while riding ahead we will step back in the past times. In those sites there are still some people such as woodmen, shepherds and monks whose lives still flow very calmly.
At the end of this second day we'll reach Mount Cucco and the overnight will be at Albergo da Tobia.
The ride will last about 6 hours.

Day 3
On the third day we'll be riding longer for about 8/9 hours on top of ridges and the view will be really impressive. Leaving Mount Cucco we'll reach Fossato di Vico mountain Pass and we'll start climbing again for reaching Mount Maggio and the Valsorda Plain.
After a quick stop we'll start again and climb a little bit further to get to Monte Serra Santa Meadows; we'll have the chance to admire cows and horses living in wilderness. While riding downhill we will pass through tiny quiet villages and reach the one surrounded by woods where we'll stay overnight.
The ride will last about 8/9 hours.

Day 4
On day four we will leave the tiny village with its inhabitants and the surrounding woods, heading to Colfiorito; it is a plane where the fields are coloured by different crops.
Abouve all, the violet colour of lentil flowers stands out. We will go on riding up and downhill to get to the stunning village of Rasiglia, where we will spend the night in a tented camp.
The ride will last about 7 hours.

Day 5
On the fifth day the first two hours of riding will be particularly quiet and we will travel along wide roads but not too busy.
The second part of the ride will take place on steeper paths, to reach monte Cavallo and slip to reach Valnerina. We will pass through the villages of Riofreddo and Fematre (with its beautiful church painted with frescoes) to get down to the valley floor and reach the crystal clear waters of River Nera.
A last effort will lead us to the village of Castelvecchio, where we will spend the night in a guesthouse.
The ride will last about 7 hours.

Day 6
Last day of riding with our loyal companions: the horses. After about half an hour riding we'll go quite quickly uphill and suddenly be in the heart of the mountain! Riding up-and downhill we'll follow the top of an endless ridge and this will be just the beginning of the amazing show of nature.
We'll have the chance to admire the stunning Piana di Castelluccio; this plain is sheltered by the Sibillini Mountains with its major peak Monte Vettore.
The variety of colours and the beauty of nature will mix with whirling emotions and this will be the worthy ending of our travel.
The ride will last about 7 hours.

Day 7
We'll be returning to Ca' Maddalena with motor vehicles.

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price: 1050.00 €
duration: 7 days
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🆕 Planning 2024 🆕

13 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
20/21 April / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
27 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
4/5 May / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
11/12 may / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
18/19 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
25/26 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
1/2 june / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
8 june / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
16 - 22 june / The new Mount Sibillini horseback trekking   Sold out
5 -7 july / River Trekking
20 July / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
18 agoust / Trekking of Furlo
2 - 6 september / Trekking of Catria   Sold out
21/22 september / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
5 october / Trekking of Furlo
12/13 october / Easy Trekking of Furlo
19 october / Trekking of Furlo
1 - 3 november / Horseback trek to the village

Tell About Us

Rosy 31-10-2023
Abbiamo partecipato al trekking easy, stupenda esperienza, grazie a Valentina, Roberto, Camilla e Michele che ci hanno accompagnato in quest'avventura , con cavalli dolcissimi e ben preparat . . .
Elisabetta 27-07-2023
Partecipato al trekk dei Fiumi. Esperienza indescrivibile a parole: bisogna viverla. Dal bagno in fiume al percorrere un crinale, dai boschi ombreggiati alle tracce esposte, dal cenare in . . .
Eviss 6-06-2023
Sono una assidua frequentatrice del maneggio e due giorni fa ho partecipato ad una 2 giorni alle pendici di Monte Nerone. Siamo passati in posti di una bellezza infinita attraversando fiumi, . . .
Eleonora 6-06-2023
Appena tornati dal trekking del Montiego 3 e 4 di Giugno! Per la prima volta in esclusiva abbiamo intrapreso con lo splendido branco del Cà maddalena la Balza Rosa! La cosa bella di . . .

🆕 Planning 2024 🆕

13 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
20/21 April / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
27 April / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
4/5 May / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
11/12 may / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
18/19 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
25/26 may / Easy Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
1/2 june / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
8 june / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
16 - 22 june / The new Mount Sibillini horseback trekking   Sold out
5 -7 july / River Trekking
20 July / Trekking of Furlo   Sold out
18 agoust / Trekking of Furlo
2 - 6 september / Trekking of Catria   Sold out
21/22 september / Horseback trek to the village   Sold out
5 october / Trekking of Furlo
12/13 october / Easy Trekking of Furlo
19 october / Trekking of Furlo
1 - 3 november / Horseback trek to the village
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HorseBack by Agriturismo Ca' Maddalena - Fermignano (Pesaro Urbino) Montefeltro - Marche. P. IVA 02099510410